
Debian 11 bullseye drupal local environment

Debian 11 bullseye drupal local environment

Clone the repository into ~/projects/drupal/projectname

** Dump database from production **

2. Dump database from prod drupal website using drush:

../vendor/drush/drush/drush sql-dump --gzip --result-file=../db_dump_08072023_1102am_latest.sql

3. Copy dump db from local using rsync

rsync --progress ~/projects/drupal/projectname

* Create mysql user

CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED: unable to get local issuer certificate using an letsencrypt-signed webserver | flutter

I have spent so many hours just to figure this out. I use wss(secure) for my django websocket. Ive realized that using firebase and firecamp is working perfectly, but in my flutter app websocket connect it does not work. arggg, spending many hours working this error (I initially dont know why the heck is this).

Adding this piece of code in the main.dart file fix my issue. :)

How I create multiple django site for subdomain1 and subdomain2, using gunicorn + nginx + systemd | ubuntu 20.04 | DigitalOcean


1.Can run gunicorn on your env

gunicorn --bind myapp.wsgi
2.Added subdomain on droplet networking. 3.Root access. 4.Install certbot nginx
sudo apt install certbot python3-certbot-nginx

Create multiple django site for subdomain1 and subdomain2, using gunicorn + nginx + systemd | DigitalOcean.

1.Make sure you already installed the gunicorn on your django env

pip install gunicorn

2.Create new socket file on

sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/gunicorn_subdomain1.socket